Retired and defeated MLAs not walking away empty handed

Author: Adrienne Batra 2007/05/22
WINNIPEG: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has calculated the transition and severance packages for members of the Manitoba legislature who were either retiring or defeated following yesterday's election.

"Before we get too upset for those that will not be returning to the legislature, they are not walking away empty handed," said CTF Manitoba Director Adrienne Batra. "Former cabinet minister Scott Smith will receive a taxable transition allowance of $43,687, defeated MLAs Jack Reimer and Conrad Santos will receive $74,982." Former Tory MLA Glen Cummings and Denis Rocan and former cabinet minister Tim Sale who did not run in the election are also entitled to retirement packages.

MLAs are also entitled to retirement benefits through the Legislative Pension Plan in which taxpayers match MLA contributions up to 7 percent of salary to a group RRSP. The 7 percent includes the Member's basic salary and any additional indemnities paid to the Member.

"Manitoba leads the country in transparency and fairness when it comes to MLA compensation. Manitoba politicians pay federal and provincial income taxes on their salaries and gold-plated pensions were eliminated," added Batra. "The CTF wishes all of those retired and defeated MLAs success in their next ventures and thanks them for their service to Manitobans," concluded Batra.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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